
From the Lorch Parish Register

John Dreis, said to have arrived 1854 on Aurora in Sydney, born circa 1819 in Lorch (check: J.P. says he is not on ship's list)    
no baptisms where such a person is mentioned as a father could be found in the Lorch registers    

Johannes Dreis wed to Anna Maria Barth
Christian Dreis b 13/7/1818 Lorch (Christian Dreis, the baptism sponsor to this child, may have been brother to Johannes, the father)    
Franz b 18/5/1820 Lorch    
Katharina b 9/2/1825 Lorch    
Apollina b 6/4/1827 Lorch    

Gabriel Dreis wed to Elizabetha Laut
Joannes Dreis b 17/11/1813 Lorch d 4/1/1886    
Apollonia b 17/6/1818 Lorch    
Katharina b 8/7/1820    
Josef b 3/1/1823 Lorch    
Albert b 17/6/1828 Lorch    

Johan Destri Dreis wed to Catherine Frances Schollin
Johan Martin Dreis b 15/8/1793 Lorch    

Balthasar Dreis wed to Anna Maria
Margarethe b 27/1/1836 Lorch    

Balthasar Dreis wed to Barbara
Josef b 20/12/1818 Lorch    

Balthasar Dreis wed to Katharina
Elisabeth b 21/12/1834 Lorch    
Johan Josef b 30/4/1836    
Gertrudies b 4/1/1838    

Balthasar Dreis wed to Margarethe
Margarethe b 11/1/1821 Lorch    
Josef b 3/6/1823 Lorch    

Caspar Dreis wed to Bargara
Regina b 1/1/1822 Lorch    
Anna Maria b 26/3/1831    

Caspar Anton Dreis wed to Barbara
Katharina b 16/12/1819 Lorch    
Valentin b 28/5/1825 Lorch    
Berdras b 20/12/1828 Lorch    

Georg Dreis wed to Anna Maria
Georg b 1/8/1820 Lorch    
Peter Josef b 14/6/1825 Lorch    
Maria Eva b 28/8/1827 Lorch    

Gottfried Dreis wed to Elisabeth
Margarethe b 21/3/1819 Lorch    
Johann b 27/2/1821 Lorch    
Margarethe (II) b 28/2/1824 Lorch    
Karl Josef b 7/1/1827 Lorch    
Apollina b 19/2/1832 Lorch    

Died Buried Name Place Zeit und ort Seiner Geburt, Wohnort, Stand, Gewerbe
und Confession
(Time and place of his birth,
place of residence, Status,
Profession and Religion)
Seiner Eltern Familien- und Tauf-name,
Deren Stand, Gewerbe und Wohnort
(His parent's family and baptismal names
their status profession and place of residence)
1864/11/12/4 am 1864/11/14 DREIS, Valentin(e) Lorch 1793/ Seventeen Hundred and
Ninety-three/the 24th/Twenty
fourth/August in Lorch.
Widower, Vintner, Catholic
Caspar Dreis and Clara Mohr
married couple of Lorch
Johannes Eckert, Pfarrer
1860 November 27th 4am 1864/November 30th DREIS, Anna Maria
nee Dreis
Lorch 1790/One thousand Seven-Hundred
and Ninety/on the 21st of August,
Wife of Valentin Dreis of Lorch
Kaspar Dreis from Lorch and
Katharina Dahlen
from Trechtingshausen
married people of Lorch
Weyland, Pfarrer

BIRTH REGISTER for Lorch - August 1793

+ obit
12 November

? Valentini
Valentinae, Horan 2 Dam inter et 3 Tiam, Matut
Hodie Natae, F.L. Caspari Drais Senioris civis huj.
et M. Clarae, Natae Mohrin Huj. Conj Levant
Francisco Winter Civis huj. noe procuratorio?

+ note died 12 November 1864
14 Valentin, born between 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock
in the morning, legitimate son of Caspar Drais senior
and M. Clara nee Mohr of this place,
Godparent: Valentin, son of Franz Winter, lawyer here
BIRTH REGISTER for Lorch - August 1790


Anna Maria, pridie hora 6to vespertina nata. F.L. Caspari Drais concivis Huj. A. Catharina
nata Dahleminn ex. Drechtingshausen gonj levante
Anna Maria, Michaelis Platz convicis in Drechtinghausen uxor.



Anna Maria
, born at 6 o'clock on the evening of the previous day legitimate daughter of the married couple Caspar Drais, and Catharina born Dahlen from Drechtingshausen. Baptismal witness: Anna Maria the wife of Michael
Platz, born in Drechtingshausen.

Source: Baptism, marriage & deaths registers at Bischofliches Ordinariat (Catholic Diocesan) Archives, Limburg-an-der-Lahn, Germany.  
et. and
avo uncle
convicis from
cum with
natae born/nee
ex. from or out of
uxor his wife or the wife of
levante baptismal withness
pridie the previous day
hora 6to sixth hour
pudica chaste
p.m. piae memoriane of blessed memory
civ. civis citizen
murarii maurer mason
conj. conjuges married people/couple
fil. filius son
fil. filia daughter
f.l. filia legitima legitimate daughter
leg. legitimus legitimate
test. testes witness
civ.huj civis hujus of this place/here
huj. hujus of this place
vespertina evening
procuratoria lawyer
lanionis wool weaver
scrinarii carpenter/cabinet maker

All the above material was kindly provided by Maureen Crawley

Fridericus DRAIS, 1 February 1746 in Lorch
Father: Caspari, Mother: Anna Catharina
Baptismal sponsor: Fridericus DRAIS

Elisabetha Maria DREIS, 15 November 1769 in Lorch
Spouse: Petri BECKER
Father: Caspari DREIS

Magdalena DRAYS, 1 November 1776 in Lorch
Spouse: Henricum Casper BECKER
Father: Caspari DRAYS

As you may notice, two DRAYS/DRAIS/DREIS sisters married two BECKER brothers. Petri BECKER & Elisabetha DREIS had four (4) known children. (The reason I'm including this is because there were DRAIS/DREIS/DRAYS sponsors.)

1. Casparen Antonium BECKER b: 5 November 1769
2. Fridericum Josephum BECKER/Sponsor: Friderico Hell b: 19 June 1772
3. M. Magdalenam BECKER/Sponsor: M. Magdalena Drays b: 16 October 1774
4. Casparus Antonius BECKER/Sponsor: Casparo Antonio DRAIS b: 19 February 1777

Balthasar DREIS, 10 February 1806 in Lorch
Parents: Caspari DREIS & Clara MOHR
Spouse: Margaretha WIPPEL

The above material was kindly supplied by Nancy V. Podella.

Document history: Version 1: January 2001. Version 2 with Podella material added: February 2001

© Jean-Baptiste Piggin


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